Building A Better Way To Learn Via OneMonth


How did you spend your last month? Working, sticking to deadlines, looking for something to do, watching TV, checking Facebook/ Twitter, can’t really remember it well, can you? What if we told you that you could spend your next month doing something so fruitful that it would stay with you for the rest of your life?  That’s the power of OneMonth, the online portal that teaches your life changing skills, in just a month.

OneMonth is aimed at people who are keen to learn new skills in the technology arena. Through simple video lessons, you can master the skills web security, Python, Content marketing, HTML and even payment processing. Whether you are looking for new skills to add to our CV or simply looking to adapt to the demands of your own business, OneMonth is all it takes to get updated. All courses at OneMonth follow the ‘Learn by doing’ principle and when you tackle real world problems in your course, you are ready to face the real world.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team comprises of Startup-Experts.

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