Meet Crescerance, Your Partners In Mobile School Communication


‘There is an app for that’ is what Apple said when they launched their App Store and filled it with Apps from all over the world. But while there are apps to communicate, manage your team, follow your favourite sports team, pick your restaurant, do you have anything that connects you to your school or University? Well, if there isn’t, it is because you have not contacted Crescerance yet.

Crescerance is the team of experienced developers that work closely with schools and other educational institutions to make customized apps for them.  The App can have multiple purposes like allowing potential students to enrol, parents to keep track of activities at school, spread awareness about your meets and alumni association or even let your staff participate in professional development programs without having to spend extra hours at school.

The team at Crescerance takes special interest in understanding your goals and ideas for the app so that the development is always in line with your requirements. Additionally, the consultation involves a review of your school’s website and social media outlets and areas that need improvement.

Development of the app can take 6-8 weeks during which your feedback is sought and incorporated and developed app undergoes rigorous testing before making it available to your users. Crescerance also helps you to market your app to your potential users and build excitement about usage of app prior to its launch.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team comprises of Startup-Experts.

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